Parenting Circle

Supporting You on Your Autism Parenting Journey

Your Journey Starts Here

Imagine what you could achieve with the same understanding and support you provide your child.

“I just feel really lucky to be in it… You can’t put a value on that link with a group of people who totally understand what you’re dealing with.”

– Louise, EPC Member

Why Join the Empowered Parenting Circle?

As the parent of an autistic child, you dedicate every moment to their needs, often at the expense of your own well-being.
Your child is the center of your universe, but there’s room for you too.

This program is designed to:

Help you address your emotional well-being.

Equip you with the tools and community to thrive as a caregiver.

What You’ll Experience in EPC 2025/26

For one year, we’ll guide you toward:

Renewed optimism and energy for the journey ahead.

Increased confidence in your parenting decisions.

Practical strategies to manage daily challenges with ease.

A supportive community cheering you on through every high and low.

A safe space where you feel heard and understood.

The Support You've Been Looking For

“Your child’s development will never outpace your personal development.”

Powerful Group Learning and Coaching

  • Fortnightly Group Sessions led by Jack Mason-Goodall, our director and founder, and experienced play therapist, psychologist, and psychotherapist.

  • Each session provides a space for you to dive into the real emotional challenges of parenting an autistic child. Together, we’ll explore roadblocks, celebrate breakthroughs, and find new levels of ease and comfort. This is your chance to pause, reflect, and recharge with parents who truly understand.

  • Group Sessions are held alternately at 1:30 - 3pm Mondays and 4 - 5:30pm Tuesdays, UK time.

It Takes a Village

Our private Empowered Parenting Circle Facebook group gives you this village.

  • Between sessions, connect, share, and ask questions as part of a vibrant community of your fellow Empowered Parents.

  • Whether you need encouragement on a difficult day or want to share a victory, your village is here.

  • Jack will be available to answer your questions, offering personalized guidance to support both you and your child.

With the Empowered Parenting Circle, you'll gain access to:

Tools to feel naturally calm

and connected with your


Tailored guidance for

your unique challenges.

A close-knit group of like-minded parents who understand your journey better than anyone else.

Imagine a Year From Now…

You’ve found a community that feels like family.

You’re confident, optimistic, and energized.

Your child and family benefit from your growth and support.

How will this transformation impact your family? Let’s find out together.

Your Investment

Join the Empowered Parenting Circle for one year:


(payment plans available).

Investing in yourself is investing in your child’s future.


Listen what our customers has to say

  • “I think it's given me so much confidence in myself… it makes me feel that I'm definitely doing a lot of right things for my child. So that gives me the confidence to carry on and to follow my instincts.”


  • “Just go for it. Take that leap of faith like I did... It's an amazing programme... It's so worth it.”


  • “The most meaningful thing about the EPC... I think we learn to be a little kinder to ourselves. We learn to forgive ourselves.”


  • “There's some attitude shift[s]... there’s less battles... there's less disregulation... there's less tantrums, there's less meltdowns... a happier and more calm atmosphere at home”


  • “I just feel really lucky to be in it... you can't put a value on it.”


  • “You'll feel less alone... you're not going to be judged. You're going to be welcomed with open arms. And it's just a really nice feeling of being supported.”


  • “I didn’t see coming how quickly we would all really really bond... They have become a little circle of friends.”


  • “You really feel like we all understand each other and are able to really celebrate the little things and... support everybody and with whatever struggle they're having.”


  • “Jack is so wonderful and just so supportive. He totally gets it and is able to steer us in a way that helps us get clearer or get happier. And that's really amazing.”


  • “I'm just much more able to be there for [my son], without getting as stressed. Keeping myself calm... I have more tools to help him through it.”


  • “It's the degree of friendship and feeling of family... you care about each other a lot... We've got the lovely Facebook group... so that we can all celebrate [and] help each other through struggles.”


  • “It is such a heartwarming, heartfilling thing. And the fact that it goes on all year... is really important... it is helping me be more the parent that I want to be.”


  • “It feels like this warm circle of friends.. we can get right into the heart of whatever is challenging us as parents... it's so helpful to [hear] I'm not the only one dealing with this... and I can learn from [the other parents].”


  • “I can be a little more open and less judgmental towards both myself and my kids ...really seeing them as their own unique individual people instead of judging them the way I judge me.”


  • “I am thinking of signing up again... I think there's really an opportunity for a deeper level of bonding and connecting that happens when you have a year together”


  • “I think I feel so much more relaxed... I think about the group [and I] feel less alone and feel more supported in different situations with my child.”


  • “I feel less alone and more relaxed... Knowing there is a place to come and to talk... and that people will understand brings such warmth inside.”


  • “It's very inspirational to listen to other parents and hear their stories and their strategies and to learn from each other.”


  • “I didn't know how much I needed this kind of community and I never want to be without it... I really look forward to each session. Having this Facebook group between sessions is a really powerful support”


Apply for the EPC

Please fill out the following information and we will be in touch with you asap to arrange a free consultation with Jack Mason-Goodall to guarantee your place!

Let’s Get Started

Enrollment is by application only, ensuring a close-knit, supportive group.

Click below to apply now.


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